What’s in The Wedding Pixie’s Emergency Kit?

A good wedding planner will always be prepared and have a stock of emergency essentials ready to grab in a hurry. For a bride who didn’t have time to work in those gorgeous new shoes to a bridesmaid with a static cling problem or a groom about to lose a button on his suit, don’t worry! The Wedding Pixie’s got you covered 🙂 While I hope you don’t have any wedding day glitches, the truth is, I can’t count how many times I’ve had to use my emergency kit. It seems to be used in every wedding I’ve coordinated and is invaluable not only to me but also to you and your bridal party.

I searched for what seemed like forever before finding the 2 I carry around today. Yes, I have 2 and I absolutely love them! My main bag is bold with a pattern and has a strap so it can be brought everywhere I go with ease. What I love most is it’s small enough to be hidden under a table in the ballroom yet large enough to carry all the things I may need. Oh and the see-through zipper compartments for easy viewing are pretty awesome too!

The Wedding Pixie Emergency Bag

Emergency Kit Open

My second emergency kit is worn under my suit jacket the entire day and is only meant to hold the items I use most – Kleenex, hair pins, safety pins, double-sided tape, band-aids. It’s my version of Batman’s Utility Belt 🙂

Emergency Bag Mini

While the list can go one and on, here are just some of the essentials found in my emergency kit:

Emergency Bag Contents

Did you know?

Need a refresh? Evian Spray is one of my favourites and is a great product for the entire wedding party. For the ladies, it won’t ruin the makeup and can actually be used to touch it up right before pictures. I have even used it on a hot summer day for the bouquets and boutonnieres in need of pick up.

Advil and Tylenol each work differently on different people so for that reason, I carry both. One very important note to remember is while I can tell you I have it and can leave the bottle on a flat surface unopened; you will need to be the one to open the bottle to take it.

The purpose of hairspray may seem obvious but did you know it can also be used like static guard? That’s right, spray a little on the inside of the dress and you’re all set! No more static cling!